Calculating Energy Need for Home for Solar On Grid System Sizing – EXPERT GUIDE

Assessing your energy needs accurately is essential for designing an effective on-grid solar system. In this guide, we’ll show you how to calculate your energy requirements using a simple formula based on real-life solar panel performance. Immortals Solar provides expert insights into optimizing your solar energy solution.

Understanding Your Energy Consumption

Before diving into calculations, it’s crucial to understand your energy consumption patterns. Review your utility bills to determine your average monthly energy usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Let’s assume your total monthly energy consumption is 1000 kWh.

Calculating Solar System Size

To calculate the size of the solar system needed in direct current (DC), we’ll use a realistic production range for solar panels. Poly panels typically produce around 80 units (kWh) per kW of DC solar system, while mono panels produce around 110 units (kWh) per kW in real-life conditions.

  1. Divide your total units per month (1000 kWh) by the production range (80-110 units/kWh) to determine the kW of solar system needed.Example Calculation:Total units/month: 1000 kWh
  2. Production range: 80-110 units/kWhSolar system size (DC) = Total units/month / Production range = 1000 kWh / 80-110 units/kWh ≈ 9-12 kW of DC solar system

Optimize Your Solar Solution

Once you have the estimated solar system size, consider factors such as available roof space, budget, and system efficiency to optimize your solar solution. Consult with solar experts to determine the ideal configuration and components for maximum energy production and savings.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Solar Journey

By accurately assessing your energy needs and calculating the required solar system size, you can design an efficient on-grid solar solution that meets your electricity requirements. Immortals Solar offers professional guidance and expertise to help you harness the full potential of solar energy for sustainable and cost-effective power generation.

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